My sister's seven-word review pretty much says it all. "It's OK, but the beginning is unbearable."
If you can just get past that unbearable opening the rest of the movie is... well, actually Kelly was right. It's pretty forgettable.
Anna Farris is Shelly, a former Playboy Bunny kicked out of the mansion because she is too old for Hef's taste. I guess 27 is the new 40. Homeless and witless she stumbles upon Greek Row at a local college and becomes a House Mother to an ugly duckling sorority. "It's just like a mini Playboy Mansion!" Surprise, surprise, she teaches them how to be sexy and they teach her that life isn't all about looking good. It's Revenge of the Nerds, but with halter tops. Offering a reason to grow up is Shelly's crush, played by Colin Hanks.
There are a few laughs but the movie is too broad and heavy handed to pull off the sweet feeling I think they were going for. The sorority girls are all no-names with subpar acting skills, except for Kat Dennings who must have owed someone money. Hanks, who was really good in Orange County, is an utter waste as the manager of a nursing home, or as Shelley puts it, "an orphanage for old people."
If there is a saving grace, it's Faris. She is pretty, funny and is willing to go all out for the laugh. I hope Hollywood does her a favor and gives her better material.
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